
Zentangle Philosophies 1200x900

Want to know my favorite Zentangle (and life) philosophies?

One of the side benefits of following the covid-19 shelter-in-place orders was being able to finish a Zentangle project I started about a year ago and put down for awhile....
Zentange comparisons

Are you comparing your chapter 1? It’s okay to be new.

Are you comparing your chapter 1? It's okay to be new. I've been teaching regular Zentangle classes for about 8 months now and I am picking up on a recurring...
Zentangle Designs Original

Is this what you thought Zentangle would be like?

Is this what you thought Zentangle would be like? Sometimes the best way to get a sense of something new is to see it in action.  Yes, Zentangle is doodling,...
Zentangle Design

Zentangle – Not just a boring old doodle

What is Zentangle? The number one question I get when I explain Zentangle is "well, isn't that just doodling?" Yes.  And no. It's more than.   So to describe it with...

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