Essential Oils
How to make Essential Oil Stock Bottles
What is a stock bottle? Stock bottles are blends of 3 to 5 different essential oils that can be used together for different ailments. Why are stock bottles useful? Stock...
What can you do with Guaiacwood and Spanish Sage
What can you do with Guaiacwood and Spanish Sage essential oils? doTERRA recently released two new essential oils that are less commonly known, so we put together some diffuser blends...
Handling your oils safely in the summer… and all year round
Today let's review some safety tips with essential oils, starting with my oopsie a few weeks ago. Hot Oils Some essential oils are casually referred to as "hot" oils -...
All About Essential Oil Blend Air-X
All about doTERRA's Air-X Essential Oil Blend How to use Air-X was a question in a recent essential oil class, so it may be useful for you too... Ingredients: Litsea,...
Vanilla essential oil – one of my personal favorites
doTERRA's Vanilla Absolute Vanilla is one of my all-time personal favorite aromas. Often referred to as an essential oil, technically it is an absolute, which simply refers to how...
Reacting with anger? How to use the Forgive blend to ground yourself.
No emotions are bad emotions - we are all human and we all feel things. Emotions are meant to come up and wash over us like a wave and pass....
Feeling stuffy in the mornings? Here are some helpful tips…
Anyone else here wake up stuffy in the mornings? Stuffy rooms, dry air, and seasonal stressors all contribute to morning congestion and pressure. Watch the video below for my favorite...
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