The number one acupuncture point to protect at the change of seasons
Today I want to teach you about one particular acupuncture point that is incredibly helpful at the change of seasons. I call it Du 14 but you'll also see it...
Acupuncture for Sleep
It's no fun not to sleep. I've been there. In fact I had two different bouts over the pandemic year where I lost a lot of sleep over a couple...
Frustrated with jaw tension? Here’s what you can do at home…
Any of these sound familiar? Tense jaw, grinding teeth at night, clenching under stress, popping noise when you open your mouth, a catch in the jaw if you open too...
Do you know what Turmeric can do for you?
Do you know what Turmeric can do for you? I bet you've been seeing turmeric supplements popping up all over the place for the past few years. Did you know...
Words make a big difference: Don’t own your diagnosis
Words matter. A lot more than you might think. If you've ever had a treatment with me, we've probably talked about the significance of words at one point or another....
3 Easy Things You Can Do with Frankincense Essential Oil
Spotlight on Frankincense Essential Oil Frankincense is known as the King of Oils. A saying that you'll hear a lot is... "When in doubt, go with Frank." What does that...
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