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Are you willing to look at your thoughts about weight and health?

Here's something to think about first, then I'll give you an experiment to do at the end... If I told you I treated a patient today who has diabetes, are...
Woman Hiking_HAES

What would improve if you separated health from weight?

In my recovery from long-term chronic dieting and orthorexia, I've learned a great deal about separating weight and weight loss from health. This has been so impactful that it has...
Sun Safety Pineapple

Handling your oils safely in the summer… and all year round

Today let's review some safety tips with essential oils, starting with my oopsie a few weeks ago. Hot Oils Some essential oils are casually referred to as "hot" oils -...
shnoodle 2

How dogs demonstrate a really helpful idea in making peace with your body

Today I want to show you a really short, super video. For so long, we have tied the ideas of weight and health together to the point we believe them...
Air-X Essential Oil Blend

All About Essential Oil Blend Air-X

All about doTERRA's Air-X Essential Oil Blend How to use Air-X was a question in a recent essential oil class, so it may be useful for you too... Ingredients: Litsea,...
Stop Dieting

Why do we do things with such a high failure rate?

Let me start with an easy quiz… If your doctor prescribed you a medication that had a 95% failure rate, would you take it? If your smoke detector had a...
Acupuncture 2 - Medium

How to keep your acupuncture progress going

Previously, I shared about the different factors that affect the number of acupuncture treatments you might need. [Click here if you missed it.] Are your symptoms acute or chronic? Are...
Loving Kindness Meditation

Loving Kindness Meditation for Worry

Have you ever used the Loving Kindness Meditation? It can be used for all sorts of situations when you want to send love and well-being out to others. It has...
Sledgehammer sitting on top of a weight scale

Did you catch what was missing from the principles of intuitive eating?

Last week I shared a brief overview of intuitive eating. [Click here if you missed it.] When you look over the 10 Principles of Intuitive Eating, did you catch what...

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