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Loving Kindness Meditation for Worry
Have you ever used the Loving Kindness Meditation? It can be used for all sorts of situations when you want to send love and well-being out to others. It has...
Did you catch what was missing from the principles of intuitive eating?
Last week I shared a brief overview of intuitive eating. [Click here if you missed it.] When you look over the 10 Principles of Intuitive Eating, did you catch what...
How many acupuncture treatments do you need?
A common question I get asked at the first treatment is how many acupuncture treatments do you need? The vague, but very real answer, is I don't know. But once...
What is intuitive eating?
Have you heard of intuitive eating? I had come across it maybe 8-ish years ago and gave it a go - or so I thought. But I know now, all...
What was orthorexia like for me?
In a previous blog post, I shared with you about my being diagnosed with an eating disorder called orthorexia nervosa. (If you missed it, click here.) Here's a little more...
Have you ever heard of the eating disorder called orthorexia?
There is something I want to share with you all... I am recovering from an eating disorder called orthorexia nervosa. For so long, I didn't know it was a factor...
Vanilla essential oil – one of my personal favorites
doTERRA's Vanilla Absolute Vanilla is one of my all-time personal favorite aromas. Often referred to as an essential oil, technically it is an absolute, which simply refers to how...
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