What would improve if you separated health from weight?

In my recovery from long-term chronic dieting and orthorexia, I’ve learned a great deal about separating weight and weight loss from health. This has been so impactful that it has completely changed how I approach health conversations in the clinic. This is called Health at Every Size® (HAES). Let’s start with the five principles to […]

What would improve if you separated health from weight? Read More »

How dogs demonstrate a really helpful idea in making peace with your body

Today I want to show you a really short, super video. For so long, we have tied the ideas of weight and health together to the point we believe them to be inseparable. I sure used to believe that. In fact, when I first started learning thin and healthy aren’t the same thing, it felt

How dogs demonstrate a really helpful idea in making peace with your body Read More »

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