acupuncture for sleep

Sleeping Cat

Are you looking for a perfect answer to how much sleep you really need?

How much sleep do you really need? One of the most common debates is how much sleep you need. (I am mostly going to refer to night-time sleep here, but this also applies to those who work nights and sleep in the daytime consistently. Shift workers who alternate days & nights are a whole different

Are you looking for a perfect answer to how much sleep you really need? Read More »

Sleeping dog

What is sleep debt and why should you care about it?

What is sleep debt? Sleep has been a popular topic in the clinic this past year. Just last week alone, I’ve worked with four patients who have sleep issues as their primary concern, and quite a few others where it is one of their secondary concerns. One concept I often discuss with patients is sleep

What is sleep debt and why should you care about it? Read More »

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