intuitive eating

Are you willing to look at your thoughts about weight and health?

Here’s something to think about first, then I’ll give you an experiment to do at the end… If I told you I treated a patient today who has diabetes, are you picturing someone in a smaller body or a larger body? If I told you I treated a patient today who is very inactive and […]

Are you willing to look at your thoughts about weight and health? Read More »

Why do we do things with such a high failure rate?

Let me start with an easy quiz… If your doctor prescribed you a medication that had a 95% failure rate, would you take it? If your smoke detector had a 95% failure rate, would you feel safe sleeping at night? If your car tires had a 95% failure rate, would you risk driving on them?

Why do we do things with such a high failure rate? Read More »

Sledgehammer sitting on top of a weight scale

Did you catch what was missing from the principles of intuitive eating?

Last week I shared a brief overview of intuitive eating. [Click here if you missed it.] When you look over the 10 Principles of Intuitive Eating, did you catch what was missing? …..There is no mention of weight loss. How can that be?! If this is good for health, shouldn’t it automatically include weight loss?

Did you catch what was missing from the principles of intuitive eating? Read More »

Hands holding prison bars made from vegetables

Have you ever heard of the eating disorder called orthorexia?

There is something I want to share with you all… I am recovering from an eating disorder called orthorexia nervosa. For so long, I didn’t know it was a factor in my life. Not until a month before my 48th birthday. I actually felt IMMENSE RELIEF when I was diagnosed. It was the missing piece

Have you ever heard of the eating disorder called orthorexia? Read More »

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