doTERRA Seminar Highlights

Jasmine and essential Oil

doTERRA’s 2018 Regional Product Education in Chicago

Last Saturday, I attended doTERRA’s product education seminar in Chicago and was quite impressed.  I cannot possibly share everything or this post will be a mile long, but here are some of the highlights that might interest you…

Co-Impact Sourcing:

We’ve talked about their Co-Impact Sourcing in classes but to see it in action is really something – we watched a video about the sourcing of Copaiba in the Amazon and Ginger in Kenya (you can find both videos on YouTube or doTERRA’s Facebook page).  The two questions they ask before offering a new oil:

How do we sustainably supply this oil?
How can we bless the world in the process?

It’s that second question that makes the difference to me.  doTERRA is a giant in the essential oil world, and people are often distrustful of giant businesses, but in all the time that I have been using doTERRA oils, they continue to impress me with their integrity and care.


First up was Dr Joshua Yorgason who is an ENT (Ear, Nose, Throat) surgeon discussing how to look for research on essential oils – a wealth of information on and  And he shared a key message for the day:

How do we change healthcare?  By changing ourselves.

Gut Health

Jasmine Jaffarali, Master in Public Health, discussed gut health using her HOPEE method:  High fiber, Omega-3’s, Probiotics, Enzymes, Essential Oils.

Remember how we have talked about how all oils have a physical and emotional therapeutic benefit?  The gut is so closely tied to our emotions and here are two oils to try:

Marjoram essential oil is the Oil of Connection – helps to soothe past emotional wounds and increase your ability to trust.

Thyme essential oil is the Oil of Releasing & Forgiving – release blocked emotions that are stuck, helping to be more forgiving and understanding.

Combine a drop of either oil with a carrier oil and massage onto your abdomen.

Unconventional Uses

Dana Moore shared some fun, unconventional uses for oils.  Here are just a few…

  • Slim&Sassy: no Peppermint or DigestZen on hand for travel discomfort?  You can put a drop of Slim & Sassy Blend behind your ears instead.
  • Mud Mask: not only for the face, it can also help balance the underarm skin.
  • Correct-X: besides helping distressed skin, it can also soothe under the eyes in the morning.
  • Lemongrass: try it as a nail polish remover to avoid acetone-based removers.  I haven’t tried this yet because I almost never paint my nails, but I know a lot of my patients do.  I would recommend diluting it with fractionated coconut oil for more soothing.
  • DDR Prime:  add 2 drops to the water of fresh flowers to keep them fresher longer.
  • Lemon oil: can help to remove sticky stuff.
  • On Guard hand soap or concentrate: helps to clean make up brushes.  Put a couple of drops in a dish and swirl your brush in it, then rinse well and set out to dry.

Women’s Health

Ann Calhoun, RN gave a talk on women’s health and probably my favorite of the day because it contained a lot of gems that I share with my patients daily.  Our current “wired and tired” culture.  The relationship of the thyroid and adrenals.  The effects of cortisol vs adrenaline.

Here’s an oil idea for you – during middle of the afternoon hecticness, inhale either Rose, Whisper Blend, or Patchouli. Feeling a slump – inhale Basil.


Lindsey Knapp had some very down-to-earth things to say about self-care.  Namely, we tend not to do as much self-care as we know we should because “We don’t know the value of it, until after we’ve done it” and we have so many demands on our time, energy, and finances.  But just like with upset toddlers, ignoring the self doesn’t make the need go away – attention is needed every day or else our bodies will throw a tantrum.

Embrace the fact that you have needs.  Do even just a little bit each day to take care of yourself.  Change the wording – instead of self-care, say soul-care and see if that makes it feel much more important to do.

One idea:  take a drop of Balance blend, rub it on your outer ear (never your inner ear), inhale to a count of 4, hold for 7, exhale for 8. Then go on about your day.  Repeat as needed throughout the day.

More Goodies

Another panel of speakers shared tips:

  • Keep oils all over your house so they are easily accessible and you can do it inexpensively – get some of the smaller 5mL empty bottles so that you can split up your bottle of Lavender and keep one in your bedroom and one in the living room, for example.
  • doTERRA has just put out a whole bunch of short ebooks for free on their site (PDF and audio versions!).  Take a look:

Jennifer Brady shared details about the Lifelong Vitality Pack (LLV) – the trio of daily supplements – multivitamin (VMZ MicroPlex), omega-3 (xEO Mega), and cellular support supplement (AlphaCRS).

Tim Hightower, an NFL running back who uses doTERRA oils, shared his story and his way of living and being Purpose Driven.  Have a purpose for all that you do, and keep these priorities: purpose, perspective, people, and persistance.

Brain Health

Jessica Ryan spoke on brain health.  Because of the nerve connection from the nose to the brain, when supporting brain health, it is best to use oils aromatically that will reach quickly through your sense of smell.  Three of her favorites to use at home:  Peace blend, InTune blend, and DDR Prime.

“Brain Booster” Diffuser Blend:  2 drops each of Frankincense, Cedarwood, and Rosemary.

Kids Health

And lastly, we had a speaker Betsy (and I apologize to her that I didn’t catch her last name) talk about using essential oils for kids.  The Touch line is great for kids because it comes prediluted with fractionated coconut oil in a safe ratio for children.  Kids can often respond well to a learned association to cues – oils are good for this.  For example, getting home from school, one task can be putting an oil like Wild Orange in the diffuser to signal homework time.  Or getting the Serenity Blend or Lavender out for bedtime.

Whew.  This is only a small fraction of what was covered in the entire day.  Watch the posts for the next time a Regional Product Training comes around – it is so informational.  And I leave you with the last quote of the day….

“It’s never too early or too late to work toward being the healthiest you.  It’s always the right time.”

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